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The living collection of the U.S. Botanic Garden is the foundation of the institution. Maintaining an ordered, documented,
labeled collection of living plants is essential to the Garden's mission of promoting botanical knowledge.
The U.S. Botanic Garden maintains more than 9,500 accessions, which equates to about 44,000 plants.
These are used for exhibition, study, and exchange with other institutions.
The Garden's noteworthy collections include economic plants, medicinal plants, orchids, carnivorous plants, cacti and other succulents,
aroids, plants of eastern North America, bromeliads, cycads, and ferns.
Historic specimens include several that date from the original 1842 founding of the collection.
Learn more about the collection at
Questions about our holdings or inquiries about a specific taxon should be addressed to the
USBG Plant Hotline.